Emoticon facebook

[[f9.laugh]] = ketawa
[[f9.sad]] = sedih
[[f9.angry]] = marah
[[f9.sleepy]] = ngantuk
[[f9.shock]] = kaget
[[f9.kiss]] = cium
[[f9.inlove]] = jatuh cinta
[[f9.pizza]] = pizza
[[f9.coffee]] = kopi
[[f9.rain]] = hujan
[[f9.bomb]] = bom
[[f9.sun]] = matahari
[[f9.heart]] = hati
[[f9.heartbreak]] = patah hati
[[f9.doctor]] = dokter
[[f9.ghost]] = hantu
[[f9.brb]] = brb
[[f9.wine]] = wine
[[f9.gift]] = kado
[[f9.adore]] = mata cinta
[[f9.angel]] = malaikat
[[f9.baloons]] = balon
[[f9.bowl]] = mangkok
[[f9.cake]] = kue
[[f9.callme]] = call me
[[f9.clap]] = ngiler
[[f9.confused]] = manyun
[[f9.curllip]] = senyum
[[f9.devilface]] = muka setan
[[f9.lying]] = lying

[[345533462139449]] = bete
[[308300382542918]] = calm
[[309626999060642]] = dandan
[[263022747090798]] = hai
[[200102950080196]] = hwa
[[158227984284324]] = mad
[[114550798664378]] = mo
[[299734090065127]] = omg
[[350421394973827]] = shy
[[208296672587372]] = doa
[[157844747656241]] = etc
[[158207970952008]] = groa
[[241721525896214]] = grr
[[113519815433465]] = hepi
[[239939099411255]] = joke
[[346508562029170]] = kedip
[[185298018232820]] = mbok
[[239249926147852]] = phew
[[332418196786941]] = shock
[[328430820514942]] = tear
[[222287944513884]] = we
[[164481350318329]] = win
[[330544910308348]] = zzz
[[267658843290223]] = hoeh
[[180154485416003]] = senyum
[[221390677938174]] = sweet
[[269394746450013]] = sad
[[222023621206273]] = uhuk
[[346372985378735]] = luph
[[187322684697844]] = tida
[[208533842565519]] = cuih
[[266659030060927]] = down

[[67253243887]] = Justin Bieber
[[ladygaga]] = Lady GaGa
[[eminem]] = Eminem
[[zuck]] = Mark Zuckerberg
[[249199828481201]] = Konata Izumi
[[250128751720149]] = Domo Kun
[[223328504409723]] = Gintoki Sakata
[[236147243124900]] = Pokeball
[[326134990738733]] = Pikachu
[[155393057897143]] = Doraemon
[[224502284290679]] = Nobita
[[144685078974802]] = Mojacko
[[334954663181745]] = Spongebob
[[196431117116365]] = Shin chan

[[269153023141273]] = Poring
[[171108522930776]] = Troll face
[[211782832186415]] = Me Gusta
[[143220739082110]] = Are u f**king
kid me
[[169919399735055]] = Not bad Obama
[[142670085793927]] = Mother of God
[[170815706323196]] = Cereal Guy
[[168456309878025]] = LOL Face
[[167359756658519]] = NO Guy
[[224812970902314]] = Derp
[[192644604154319]] = Derpina
[[177903015598419]] = Forever Alone
[[148578318584679]] = It’s Okay!
[[219611504753863]] = ALL the y
[[305710872791586]] = Impossibruh
[[145768898802324]] = Rage Face
[[309795212383816]] = Watch out, badass
[[129627277060203]] = Poker face
[[100002727365206]] = Challenge Accepted


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